Dawn Magan is a Christian Biblical Counsellor with Christ at the center.
Discover how biblical counselling can provide deeper understanding to help you heal as you take the time to slow down and explore issues through guidance and care rooted in the truth of the Bible.
Agape Counselling:
Meet Dawn Magán
I am an American in central London trained as a Biblical Counsellor at Biblical Counselling UK, Westminster Theological Seminary (WTS), and CCEF. Throughout my life, I have seen God's care for me and others through loss, broken relationships, and anxieties; bringing peace amid suffering, sorrow, and human struggle. This led me to train in Biblical Counselling, to grow in theological understanding of scripture, and advanced counselling skills to care for others as we gently explore your story.
My past work and life include 16 years in nursing, finally running the Paediatric Arrhythmia Clinic at Georgetown University in WashDC. 25 years as a volunteer or staff with youth work in church settings. Most recently, supporting exploited and trafficked women in London as the volunteer coordinator, where I trained, led outreach, and developed and supported a volunteer team to care for those we met while caring for each other in our work together. As I moved on to biblical counselling, I have continued to help another church team develop their support and care for trafficked and exploited women in West London.
With humble biblical care, healthy conversation, and prayerful wisdom, Dawn has helped individuals and couples navigate the complexities of the human heart, relying on the Holy Spirit and prayer. Hidden in our complicated lives are deeper issues of the heart. This is not self-help; this is God's transformation of our hearts. Gospel message promises contentment and hope even amid struggles. Have you wanted to know what redemption is or wonder if you fully understand what walking with the Lord in troubled times looks like? Or you’ve tried other counselling methods and continued to sense ther is something missing? Are you interested in learning more?
God has amazing promises of Hope in Christ, he has created us to know him and be known. This is available to all through Christ. Redemption is our True Hope. Christian Counselling patiently and gently explores depression, our mental health, marriage struggles, trauma, suffering, difficult relationships, or anxieties through a biblical lens.
Member of Biblical Counselling Coalition
Attends Christ Church Mayfair
Statement of faith aligns with the Westminster Confession and Biblical Counseling Coalition
Discover Hope and Healing
Biblical Counselling
What is Biblical Counselling?
The Biblical Counselling model is shaped by the compassionate wisdom of Scripture for the struggles of sin and suffering in this world. Relying on the guidance of the Spirit of God to care for the hearts of people as they suffer. We believe people can be spiritually healed, strengthened, and built up as their eyes are open to see the hope that God offers for real change in our lives.
There is a rich body of research in the field of mental health, with helpful descriptions of the multiple areas of struggle, but the theories and interventions vary wide. Christian theology is that God is the source of all real life-giving change. Counselling, in its essence, is a theological process. We approach a person knowing each person is precious to God and is created by God in His image for a relationship with God. That relationship restored through Jesus Christ offers a new life and continued growth in our walk through the struggles of addiction, depression, anxiety, loss, and broken relationships.
Through one-to-one conversations as trained biblical counsellors, we humbly come alongside others for a period of time to slow down and unpack what is underlying the emotional, mental, and physical struggles in a person's life. And with gentle, humble care of the heart, body, and soul we offer restoring, reviving, strengthening, comforting, correcting, -whatever is needed for the person’s next steps in their growth in God’s grace.
Biblical Counsellors have training in skills, understanding of modern mental health theory, historical pastoral care, and theological studies. Ongoing continuing education and supervision.
Scripture is a rich text regarding life, suffering, sin, fears, problems, and solutions, it is also a place of comfort in the midst of the struggles and suffering. Counselling helps us slow down to understand how we grow and change and live in the peace offered to us through Christ Jesus.
Jeremiah 17:7,8 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” ESB
In 2 Cor 4, Paul sums up this Hope in the midst of anxiety and hardship and closes chapter 4 with this, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." NIV
Psalm 23, describes our relationship with our God in lives struggles. I'd encourage you to look up that bible passage and pray, asking God to help you see what his wisdom and truth is in this passage before you read it.
These are the foundational biblical principles we stand on: Jesus Christ is central to God's transformational love, God is our creator and gives us our value, we are each loved by our Creator and it is He that provides our immense value, identity, and gives us Scripture to guide us.
You are loved by God.
The ground at the cross of Christ is flat, all are welcome to know His peace. He is the Saviour and our real hope in healing our wounded souls.
Services Offered
Marriage Counselling, in person
1:1 Counselling: virtually or in person
Have a question?
Dawn Magan
Christian Biblical Counselling
Biblical Counselling UK
Westminster Theological Seminary
Biblical Counseling Coalition